
Last Updated:    Friday, July 29, 2016

How to add JavaScript in Blogger?


JavaScript offer a lot of advantage to make your blog better. JavaScript is one of the easiest and effective scripting language which can be used to extend the functionality of your web site. There are many different uses of selecting JavaScript as a scripting language especially on your Blogger account as it will then possess the capacity of extending the functionality to other websites which are using the third party scripts amongst others.

JavaScript is executed directly on the client side which would mean that the code that is needed to be executed on the user’s processor instead of the web server which means that it will save a lot of bandwidth and unnecessary strain on the server. The language is very easy to learn and consists of many things such as syntax which is v ery close to the English. It is used in the DOM model which provides many prewritten functionalities for various objects on the page making.

With JavaScript you can also add the third party add-ons like the Grease monkey which can enable the JavaScript developer to perform the scripts that can be executed on desired pages. If you require a website to display a certain feature the it can be initiated.

If you are wondering how to add JavaScript to your blogger, then here is a detailed process that you can follow.

When you are adding JavaScript code to the template, many different kinds of XML errors are faced such as line 768, column 20, Error parsing XML and the content of the element should consist of well-formedcharacters’ mark ups and data. These kind of errors usually occurs when JavaScript code is not formed perfectly or when the code is not written by the developer himself.

Thing that Should Be Avoided

When you are planning to install a JavaScript code into the blogger, you should make sure that the script tags are used in a effective manner. Most of the times one can forget to completely copy the script which can end up showing an error.

How to Correctly Insert the Code in the Blogger?

If you want to add the script in the blogger, then it’s very simple. All you have to do is visit and in the Template section click on the edit HTML option. Not it will be dependent as to where you want to paste the JavaScript code but anyhow, to add the code above you should use the <\head> tag. This is the place where all the technical stuff is mostly present.

Once the script is accurately included your format hit the "Spare Template" catch, and this you would not confront any blunders. Which implies that the JavaScript is accurately included your blogger layout.

We trust this instructional exercise has helped you in figuring out how to appropriately include JavaScript codes in blogger. Tell us about your experience? On the off chance that you have confronted such blunders as well. Don't hesitate to leave any blunder underneath that you are confronting while adding new codes to your format.

Author Bio: - Vinod kardam is a tech enthusiast and he is a programming expert. He is sharing Amazon India coupons here so that he can spread technology.

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